St. John's United Reformed Church,

New Barnet - Services at 11:00am every Sunday

Climate Concern

Green Christian-Barnet Event

Saturday 2nd July 2022

Theme - "What Next for the Environment - after COP26?"



Grand Opening Event at the Good Samaritan School

Opening of the new Girls Washroom and Toilet Block - Saturday 21st August 2021



June19 2021

'The topic is: 


This is a presentation and discussion led by Andrew Summers on the current climate and environment situation -  looking especially at the opportunities and challenges to be discussed at the  COP26 in November.


Rosemary will be giving us a live up-date about progress with the Good Samaritan School’s serious water problems and their building work in Uganda.’ 

Video of Andrew and Rosmary's presentation.......

May 222021

To download PowerPoint Presentation click on slide below.....












VIDEO "Water - the forgotten Challenge Lucky UK ?"

Interested in Climate Change, the Environment & Cutting Waste?

All are invited : SAT. 28TH. NOV. 2020, from 11.00 a.m.  online – via Zoom

TOPIC: "Water - the forgotten Challenge Lucky UK ?"

A short presentation time to discuss & question.

ALSO:  News up-dates, a LIVE REPORT from Uganda,

PLUS:  ideas for future plans.


A packed programme full of interest - relevant and supportive.

If you prefer – only just watch or listen – no pressure!

INTERESTED?  Maybe you would like a “Link”?

Details from Ants: Phone: 0208 440 6040



Saturday 11 July 2020


Green Christian-Barnet Event

Saturday 23 May 2020


Green Christian-Barnet Event

 Saturday 21 March 9.45 – 12 noon

Topics being prepared include: “The Future of Fossil Fuels”,

Plus A report: UK’s Christian Climate Action group on “Why we take peaceful direct action”.

Full details to follow

All are very welcome - especially if you have not been before.

@ St. John’s Church, Somerset Rd., New Barnet, EN5 1RH.


Celebrating our first year

Saturday 23 November 2019

Starting with refreshments and Birthday cake!

9.45 – 11.00 a.m.

Ahead of the Election

 – we will share News, Ideas and Prayers

covering current “Green” issues including climate change.


“Newcomers” are especially welcome to this

Free Event. We aim to be the friendliest group around.

 Child-minding facilities available on site

 @ St. John’s Church, Somerset Rd., New Barnet, EN5 1RH.





Saturday, 12 October, from: 10.00 am to 12.00 noon,

Refreshments from 9.45 am.

St John’s URC Church, Somerset Rd,

New Barnet, EN5 1RH.

Main Topic: FOOD How we produce, buy and (often) waste food



Reports on The Time is Now Mass Lobby June 26 2019

URC joins thousands at The Time Is Now mass climate action lobby


Evening Standard








This Summer, the Government will decide whether to end the UK’s contribution to climate change by committing to a net zero emissions target. They will also have the chance to end nature’s decline by committing to a strong Environment Bill. Now is the time to push for bold action.


On June 26th, people from every corner of Britain will meet at the Houses of Parliament in what iwe hope will be the largest mass lobby for climate and the environment the UK has ever seen.


Climate Change – Which Way Forward?

Looking at options – including: faith, politics & protests?

A varied & positive programme with

contributions from

Christian Climate Action / XR Supporters.

Plus: news, resources, information and

civilised discussion!

ALL are very welcome from all local


(More details from Ants: 07990 793 046 f/b:

Climate Concern (capital “C”s as here)


Main Results of the 2018 Climate Change Questionnaire Organised by the Green Christian-Barnet Group

An analysis by Alan Pryor and edited by Tony Shepherd. The Questionnaire was carried out between September and November, 2018.

Introduction: we received 24 ‘Returns” and here we present the main findings - giving the top four answers to each question, as appropriate. Full results are available at:, or contact us for more details.

Q1: What are the 3 Most Important Environmental Conditions? People were asked to choose 3 in order of importance.3 points for1st choice, 2 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd ] (1) Global Warming: 9*3+5*2+2*1 39 points (2) River & Sea Pollution: 6*3+5*2+5*1 → 33 (3) Using Up Earth’s Resources: 2*3+6*2+4*1 22 (4) Air Pollution: 3*3+1*2+2*1 → 13

Q2: To What is the Changing Weather Pattern Due? Suggestions were: “Human Activity”, ”Global Changes”: ” Both of these” (Only one to be chosen) (1) Human Activity: chosen by 13 (2) Both of human and global: chosen by 9 (3) Global change: chosen by none. Answer we suggest: Humans are largely to blame!

Q3: How to Reduce the Effects of Climate Change? A number of suggestions were printed for people to choose from. (We gave 3 points for peoples’ 1st choice, 2 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd) The top four results were:- (1st equal) Reducing carbon emissions: 41 points (1st equal). Seek new sources of renewable energy: 41points (3) Laws to prevent further losses of rain forests: 20 points (4) New building techniques for zero carbon emission homes: 14 points

Q4: Is Climate Change affecting you now or is likely to in the future? [Six questionnaires stopped at Q3, so only 17 responded to this and remaining questions.] Answers were: “Yes”= 14 “No”= 1. “Don’t Know”= 2 Responses were clear and popular suggestions were-: Increases in air pollution affect asthmatics; Heat waves affect elderly & infirm people; Excessive high tides & storms cause flooding damage; and yet there are droughts and/or wild fires in other places (e.g. Australia and California)

Q5: Can anything be done to tackle climate change? Several ideas were given by respondents here in Q5 and in the remaining questions:- Suggestions included:- Make more use of public transport Dramatically reduce the use of plastics, especially single-use plastics Insulate homes and buildings better Educate people on what can be done Put pressure on local and national governments, and on journalists Lobby for increased grants for solar panels Reduce the use of pesticides and chemicals


Some Initial Conclusions about the results from this Questionnaire :- Even with only 23 respondents some useful and thought-provoking answers and comments have emerged. We will discuss these results in a future Blog on the web site: and also at future meetings of the Green ChristianBarnet Group. Our next meeting is on 23 March from 10.00 - 12.00 noon, all welcome! . “Thank you” to everyone who took part!

We welcome your comments and questions by contacting us via: email: Phone Ants: 07990 793 046 Facebook: Climate Concern (N.B. note the capitals here please): www.

11:00am -
9:30am -
3:00pm -
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